Year: 2016 | Month: December | Volume 3 | Issue 4

Perception of Teachers about Implementation of Oral Health Education in Primary School Curriculum

Amit Sharma Venugopal Reddy Swapnil Jain Vaibhav Bansal Babita Niranjan


Objective: A decayed tooth (dental caries) affects oral health status in children’s more than any other chronic infectious diseases. Untreated tooth decay in children’s can cause pain and secondary infections that will create the problem in eating, playing, speaking, learning, and be successful in school. Untreated dental infections in the mouth also put children at risk for other infections such as ears (otitis media, etc.), sinuses, and other parts of their bodies. School-based oral health education (OHE), screenings, assisted referral, and delivery of oral preventive care services provide equitable, reliable entry into long-term oral health care and assist parents by reducing the need to take time from work and find transportation. Children who receive care in schools also can become an entry point for others in the family to connect with an oral health care provider. The combination of education, prevention, and access to care has the potential to nearly eliminate tooth decay in school-age children. Methods: The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among government and
semi-government school located in Bhopal city for 6 months using a self-administered questionnaire. Results: Out of 300 school teachers, 283 teachers felt that like other general fitness OHE is also as important as general health and should be included in a school health education program. Conclusion: The questionnaire-based study conducted on government and semi-government school teachers supports on implementing oral health program for school children’s oral health. There is a definite and immediate need for organized training of school teachers on basic oral health knowledge.

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